the PeterSax MethodÂ
Improvise along with interactive videos;
without preparation, theory or scales
Learn to improvise the intuitive way, the natural way
' You don't learn to talk from a book either...'
Peter SteenbakkersÂ
First watch a few students improvise with one of my videos.
Learn more about improvising along with the interactive videos
In this short video, I'd like to introduce you to my innovative exercises.
Bonus: CopyMe exercises
50 Free downloads
These extra exercises will help you improve your ability to play by ear and by heart, as well as other skills. For a few examples and some instructions go to read more »
This method helps you to improve several skills without using sheet music.
For whom?
This method has been developed for beginners and advanced players, who finally like to practice and enjoy playing in a different way. And by that I mean playing a lot by heart, by ear and on intuition. Without using any sheet music. Read more »